Monday, March 24, 2014

What Do You Think About Common Core?

I had a friend contact me today and say that someone had told her I was pro-Common Core.  I want to respond to that and let you know where I stand.

So, here is what it really comes down to.  No, I do not support Common Core.  I have had kids in schools for 10 years-8 schools during that period in 2 different states.  During that time, I have noticed a pattern in education.  Every 2-3 years, the new shiny thing comes along which will save education.  What we actually end up doing is spending millions of dollars, pulling teachers out of classrooms to train them on how to implement the new shiny program, and in the end, my children and your children lose out.  For me, the solution is simple.  We put phenomenal teachers in the classroom and then get out of their way.
I want local control for my children. I want a voice in their education and that is a large part of why I am running for school board.  I want to hear your voices.  How do you want to improve our schools in Alpine School District?

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to hear your points on the matter. I must point out that the guidelines coming from Common Core are very helpful for my family. As we spent some time homeschooling last year and switched schools midyear this year I was able to look up the guidelines and figure out quite easily where the gaps were between Utah teachers, California teachers, and myself as the teacher. Without the Common Core guidelines my kids would have been taught "California fourth grade math" while in California then taught a different standard in Utah. Although they are teaching it in a different order in each of the schools, it's at least all taught in the same grade now across the states and I can easily figure out what to teach at home. My situation is unique to be using homeschool and different states all within a short period of time, but it is not unique to use more than just the Utah public school system in a child's school career. That being said, I have serious concern with the amount of pressure and need for testing the teachers are facing with these new programs. I agree to put phenomenal teachers in the classrooms (with some guidelines) and then get out of their way. Testing small children is taxing and time consuming. Teaching small children is rewarding and beneficial.
